Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I want to be an Israeli but I only understand realities

By: Muhamad Nur Hidayat, Indonesia

January 5th, 2009

Israel is cool. Confidently massacring more than 500 Gazans within a week but it is supported by the world leaders, who are minority. It is as if Gaza children are worthless. And in fact, they are worthless compared to the existence of Israel. Gaza children are worthless because if they grow up, they will become “terrorists.” So what’s wrong to kill them all now before Israel “has another Holocaust”? Let their moms confused, cried and then silenced while picking up their kids’ body parts. "I will play music and celebrate what the Israeli air force is doing" said Ofer Shmerling, an Israeli military officer, as appeared in Al-Jazeera TV some days ago.

Israel’s Zionism is beautiful and awesome. It is superior. Nothing can’t stop it because it is God’s will. It uses “Apartheid” and “the way of transfer” to purify Palestine from Palestinians. Israel is a symbol of democracy, freedom, peace and advance culture. And now it is at “war” with Hamas, a terrorist group that comes out from the ground to obliterate Jews. Hamas is low, cruel, and barbaric. It is a compilation of jealous young people with the democracy, prosperity and the freedom of Israel. It has to launch home-industry-rockets to Israel to get attention. And recently it kills 4 innocent Israelis with its some hundreds Qassam rockets. Freedom and democracy are under attack!

Hamas is jealous with Israel’s democracy so that it won Palestinian election in 2006 and controlled Gaza in 2007. This cannot be tolerated, you know. It is against its very nature. For Zionists’ God, it is a sin. Therefore, Israel has to take noble action to blockade Gaza. It cuts off supplies of snacks, pizzas and Cokes to Gaza (including unnecessary stuff like electricity, gas, and medicines which are barely needed by Gazans). It also cuts off supplies of cameras, journalists and Jews, like Richard Falk. It also cuts off supplies of refugees to Egypt. It has to bomb tunnels to Egypt usually used to smuggle Cokes and pizzas and all civilized stuff. It eases the work of Gazans doctors and nurses because they don’t have to cure people with civilized medicines. Just let them rot as they should. It’s their very nature, you know. But Gazans can’t help being jealous. So Israel has to introduce its civilized bullets and bombs to Gazans. It is noble thing to do, man. “Here you are some American-made bullets, bombs, F-16 and Apaches in case you haven’t seen them.”

But Hamas gets more jealous. It needs more than they deserve. So, again, it launches rockets made in garages to Israeli lands so that all Israeli have to take refuge to the Mediterranean Sea. Since their rockets are not made in America, so they are not effective to kill people. “But they are intended to kill!” says Olmert. So Israel drops tons of bombs to mock Hamas. It costs some 500 people including some 100 children. But remember, it is not intended to kill, it is for peace, justice, freedom, prosperity, stability and democracy. It must be ideals, you know. Realities are nonsense! Cogito ergo sum. This table is not red, man. It’s just your mind that says it’s red. C’mon! So 500 casualties are just nothing. Just think of the beauty of democracy!

And then America has to be patient to see the stupid Hamas, so that it has to ask Israel to teach Hamas a lesson. Yesterday, I asked my lecturer about his opinion on America’s support to Israel. He said, “Israel is America’s nephew. So it’s a family, you know. It’s just natural.” But I became really confused, probably because of my inferiority. He holds a Ph.D. And then when asked him the reason of Israel’s attack on Gaza, he answered, “Complicated.” And I became more and more confused. I don’t understand the meaning of the answers. I only understand that tearing apart people’s bodies is wrong (or at least, weird). Bombing children coming home from school is also wrong (or weirder). And then, bombing mosques is also really really weird. Or bombing Islamic Unversity in Gaza and apartments full of living humans is extremely weird (if not wrong). For me, it is as weird as bombing a zoo or public toilets. Why I only understand that? Is it because of my ethnic and racial inferiority, so that I don’t understand my lecturer’s answers? Or because my name is Muhamad?

Probably because my lecturer has acquired higher education so that I don’t understand him, as I don’t understand Obama (who has also acquired higher education). Obama said “no comment” when asked his opinion about Israel’s bombing which was pretty much look like new-year fireworks. I am confused by his answer the same as I am confused by my lecturer’s answer. Why am I confused? Why I expected different kind of answers? Something like, “It’s weird to bomb mosques.”

During his visit to Israel, Obama said, "If somebody shot rockets at my house where my two daughters were sleeping at night, I'd do everything in my power to stop them." So if somebody shot home-made rockets to Obama’s house, he will do whatever things to do to stop them. This is natural but it is another confusing thing for me. Probably because I’m not an idealistic person. I cannot imagine how Obama’s house where his two children sleep is bombed. But why I only understand realities? Why I only understand that Israel really shot civilized rockets at real houses where real children slept? Not Obama’s children? Why I can’t imagine somebody really shot rockets at Obama’s house where his real children slept? Why? Why I expected something different coming from Obama’s mouth?

Oh yeah. I know the answer. Because I’m inferior. I’m not smart. I don’t have Ph.D degree or something. And because I’m jealous to Israel’s superiority, freedom, peace, and moral integrity. Yes, I’m jealous, the same as Arabs and the rest of the world (except some few highly civilized and enlightened Americans and Israelis). I’m jealous to their confidence and passion in breaking international laws. The laws for lesser creatures. Oh help me my friends. Help me out this inferiority, stupidity and craziness.


So that I can be smart. So that I can tolerate all this bombing and killing of real children (not Obama’s children). So that I can tolerate bombing of houses, mosques, universities. So that I’m satisfied to see mothers cry, get confused and go crazy while picking up their children’s body parts. So that I can play music and celebrate Israel’s attack. So that I can be superior and above the law.

But why I only understand realities?

Muhamad Nur Hidayat is a desperate young political analyst based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He can be reached at His blogs are: and


Arbol de vida said...
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Arbol de vida said...

because everything will seems right if people think with their brain and not using their heart...

im inferior too...what should we do?